CBD Therapy

Kod: 3016/1G CBD0131 CBD0132 CBD0133 CBD0134 Wybierz wariant
28 ocen
Marka: CzechCBD
€1,40 €9,80 €86 €752,64 €3 440,64 od €1,40 €1,25 bez VAT €8,75 bez VAT €76,79 bez VAT €672 bez VAT €3 072 bez VAT od €1,25 bez VAT
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Opis szczegółowy produktu

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Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ze szklarni
Gwarancja: Zgodnie z danymi na opakowaniu
Obsah CBD: 8-12%
Obsah THC: <0,5%
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BN Avatar of author Bud on pic is not represantative of the buds I received! 24.10.2024 09:18
Bud on pic is not represantative of the buds I received! They are lower quality compared to the bud in pic. Its still a KILLER deal, but I can only rate this 2-3/5 because I was expecting buds like That. Its smell and burns great but looks worse.