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4,7 677 ratings
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LS Avatar of author Levente Schneweisz | 10/08/2023
J Avatar of author Jiří | 08/08/2023
Celkem spokojen. Jen při poslední objednávce byla jedna ze tří cartridgí nefunkční a po těch několika objednávkách by potěšil třeba slevový kód.
D Avatar of author Daniela z podpory (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Dobrý den, máte pravdu. Napište nám zprávu na IG nebo FB o slevový kód. A je hned váš.
JM Avatar of author Joep Metz | 02/08/2023
Best fucking hhc in the world Big love !!!!!
J Avatar of author Jaroslava | 25/07/2023
Takovou rychlost doručení, to je super. A zboží tedy skutečně funkční.
JH Avatar of author Jaroslav Hrubý | 25/07/2023
LP Avatar of author Lívia Pinkert | 21/07/2023
My order arrived incomplete. They sent a completely different product than the one I ordered. I paid in advance, I reported it to the e-mail address on the website, but no response. Please try to send me the products I ordered or return the money I paid.
D Avatar of author Daniela (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Hello, I apologize for the inconvenience caused. We receive hundreds of emails daily and might have overlooked yours. If our customer support hasn't resolved your situation yet, please reach out to our colleagues via a message on our Facebook and Instagram pages or call our customer contact manager at +420 739 559 005. Thank you and once again, we apologize for the complications.
L Avatar of author Luka | 19/07/2023
This shop is the best
Avatar of author | 18/07/2023
Kde ste vzali že je to levnější než kouřit konopí xddddddd
D Avatar of author Daniela z podpory (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Dobrý den, produkty dle platné legislativy mohou obsahovat jen do 1% THC. Proto u nás najdete jen vždy legální produkty a nikdy nic jiného. Všechno ostatní je už na vás.
TG Avatar of author Top canna guy | 18/07/2023
Seems like everyone is saying the HHC is terrible, I wish I had read all comments before I ordered 😢😭 I have tried real deal HHC and it's is knock out stuff. I haven't received my order yet but when I do I will update and I hope I'm not as disappointed as the other comments
P Avatar of author petros | 17/07/2023
very good company i give it a 10 out of 10 5 stars
T Avatar of author Tibor | 12/07/2023
Kvalita a cena
JD Avatar of author Joachim Deneire | 11/07/2023
Very satisfying products
NA Avatar of author Nour Abdin | 04/07/2023
The HHC oil is ineffective I would recommend avoiding it and sticking to the gummy candy or vape
D Avatar of author Daniela (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Hello, we apologize for the inconvenience. There is no reason to avoid HHC oil. If your oil was ineffective, several factors could have influenced it. Please write to our email or contact support on FB or IG, and we will arrange a solution. Have a nice day.
SK Avatar of author Sami Koivu | 01/07/2023
Got stuck in customs and didnt get refund. What a scam!!!
D Avatar of author Daniela (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Hello, if the goods ended up at customs and the customs authority refuses to release them, we have no means to retrieve the goods or get your money back. Whenever you order goods, you do so at your own risk; if it's not allowed in your country or other laws apply to it, we do not take responsibility for its confiscation or seizure. You must handle everything with your country's customs authority. We regret the complications you're facing and hope everything gets resolved to your satisfaction. Have a nice day.
R Avatar of author Robert | 30/06/2023
Dobrá stránka
Avatar of author Jiří Štěpán | 28/06/2023
E Avatar of author Elias K. | 28/06/2023
Velmi spokojen.
Avatar of author | 05/06/2023
F Avatar of author Ferezi | 01/06/2023
Berte hneď síce porádny vlajec zo Serede je lepší ale keď chlapcov pobrala naka aj toto sa dá
MV Avatar of author Michaela Volmutová | 27/05/2023
Super výběr, rychlé doručení. Jediné co musím vytknout, je už osm provedených objednávek, ale žádný slevový kód.
D Avatar of author Daniela (Administrator) 26/09/2023
Tak to jste nám asi zapomněla o něj napsat. Stačí sledovat naše ambasadory, kteří poskytují až 20% slevy. Nebo napsat na náš FB nebo IG o 10% slevu. Přejeme hezký den.