HHCP jelly (edibles) with the scent of blue mango from our own production. Pleasant fresh scent complemented by a hint of bitterness, which characterizes 100mg of high-quality...
HHCP jelly (edibles) with the scent of cherry from our own production. Pleasant fresh scent complemented by a hint of bitterness, which characterizes 100mg of high-quality HHC-P...
HHCP jelly (edibles) with the scent of orange from our own production. Pleasant fresh scent complemented by a hint of bitterness, which characterizes 100mg of high-quality HHC-P...
HHCP jelly (edibles) with the scent of strawberries from our own production. Pleasant fresh scent, complemented by a hint of bitterness, which characterizes 100mg of...
Konopný kvet Watermelon Kush s 30% obsahom HHC a obohatený o 2% HHC-P zaujme svojou intenzívnou ovocnou vôňou, evokujúcou arómu šťavnatého melónu. Tento nádych je krásne...
HHC distillate in premium quality. It is produced in Europe, without contamination by tetrahydrocannabinol group cannabinoids such as Delta 8 or Delta 9. HHC distillate is...
Pre-packaged +\- 1.2 gram joints made from the finest hemp dry matter of the Orange Cookies strain enriched with high-quality THC-B extract. It is the perfect solution...
Hemp flower Orange Cookies enriched with 15% tetrahydrocannabinol-butanol, better known by the abbreviation THC-B. It's the perfect solution especially if you're seeking an easy...
Zkittles hemp flower enriched with 25% tetrahydrocannabinol acetate, more commonly known as THC-O. It's the perfect solution especially if you're looking for easy and fast pain...
Hemp flower White Widow enriched with 20% tetrahydrocannabinol-butol, more commonly known as THC-B. It is a perfect solution, especially if you are looking for easy and fast...